I have just rounded the corner into my last month of high school, and all I can think about is how quickly it has all gone by. When I think about myself as a freshman and how I have changed since then, I wonder if my high school experience has been all that I thought it would be. Have I become who I thought I would? Have I accomplished everything that I wanted to? I also think about my future and what it will be like to be that scared little freshman once again. However, this time I would like to start things off a little differently. I am going to make a list of various things that I hope to accomplish and who I hope to be by the time I graduate from college. This way, I will be able to look back and see how similarly or differently my life has turned out from the way I thought it would.
-Be someone my friends and family can always count on
-Study abroad
-Become fluent in Spanish
-Remain close with my current good friends
-Make a plethera of new friends in college
-Travel to Greece
-Get better at making decisions
-Learn to dance
-Take a class for fun
-Join a volleyball team
-Learn to drive a stick-shift
-Learn to sail
These are just a few of the many things I hope to do and become in college. I know it will be a unique experience full of different opportunities for me to grow and learn; I just hope I will take advantage of all of them and become someone I am proud of.
The Graduation Song- Vitamin C
Ahh Alli this post and song make me cry, even though thankfully we'll still be together in college and for every year after that :) But honestly I LOVE this post! I think I want to make a list like that too. Maybe we can put it somewhere in our room? I think it is fantastic to have goals and be able to track your progress. I know in my blog (which you should check out!) I wrote about how, going into high school, I really wanted to learn photography but I never managed to find time. This summer, I'm going to try to fix that, but I think one of the main things I've learned is not to lose sight of your goals and what is important to you. Your list is spot-on with your values and passions, and that is so admirable. I wish you the best of luck and I know you can follow through on all of this :)