Thursday, January 27, 2011

Time for a Change

This past week, I took my first semester of senior year final exams. Once the last test was over, seniors flooded out into the hallways with smiles on their faces and the same words were on everybody’s lips, “ We’re second semester seniors!”

Many people associate the second semester of senior year with relaxing and slacking off, but it actually can be a stressful time for many seniors as they attempt to make one of the biggest decisions in their lives thusfar. Deciding where to go to college is a daunting task for many people because it is the first time they will be living on their own. Although that may be exciting, it makes me a little nervous.

Where to go?
When I first began my search for colleges, I didn’t think that I had many preferences when it came to distance from home, religious affiliations, or the sizes of schools. However, as college is becoming more of a reality, I’m starting to get a better sense of what I want. I’ve come to realize that I prefer larger schools within the Midwest with no religious affiliations. Realizing this about myself was an important step in my selection process because it has helped me narrow my list of ten down to three, The University of Michigan, The University of Wisconsin-Madison, and Indiana University.

Bring on the Change
Making any sort of life changing decision, such as where to go to college, can be very difficult because people often feel that change threatens their identity. It’s true that being put in entirely new surroundings and living on your own can affect the person that you are, but that is just a part of maturing. How you adapt to change says a lot about your identity. Some people are naturally more comfortable with change and freely accept it, while others are scared by even the thought of change. I’ll admit that I’m one of the people who is easily frightened and stressed out by the thought of change and it takes me a little longer than some people to adapt to new situations. However, I’ve learned that change is never actually as scary as I anticipate it to be and adapting to change doesn’t have to be a huge struggle.

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions...
If you are similar to me and struggle with making big decisions or adapting to change, it’s okay, there are ways to work through it. I’ve found that talking to a family member or close friend about the decision I’m trying to make and getting an outside opinion on the matter can be a big help. Also, you need to understand that making a big decision takes time. So, if you find yourself becoming overwhelmed or struggling to make up your mind, go do something else for awhile, clear your head, and come back to the decision later. Don’t be afraid to take chances or make changes in your life just because you feel like it will change who you are. Your identity can change and grow just as your outer appearance can. Change can be good.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful post Alli! I just wrote a similar one called "Dare You To Move". As you know, I'm struggling with this decision myself and I can totally relate to the stress and scariness of change. However, I have full faith in you and I know you will make a wonderful decision and, wherever you end up, you will succeed :) I love you.
